Merriell, B., M. Manseau, P. J. Wilson. 2024. Assessing the suitability of a one-time sampling event for close-kin mark-recapture: A caribou case study. Ecology and Evolution.
Liu, P., P. J. Wilson, B. Redquest,
Taylor, R., M. Manseau, P. Wilson. 2023. Delineating conservation units should be independent of effective population size. Trends in Ecology and Evolution:
Jones, T. B., M. Manseau, B. Merriell, G. Pitello, D. Hervieux, P. J. Wilson. 2023. Novel multilayer network analysis to assess variation in the spatial co-occurrences of close kin in wild caribou populations. Global Ecology and Conservation:
Solmundson K., J. Bowman, M. Manseau, R.S. Taylor, S. Keobouasone, P. J. Wilson. 2023. Genomic population structure and inbreeding history of Lake Superior caribou. Ecology and Evolution:
McFarlane, S., M. Manseau, T B. Jones, D. Pouliot, G. Mastromonaco, G. Pittoello, P. J. Wilson. 2022. Identification of familial networks reveals sex-specific density dependence in the dispersal and reproductive success of an endangered ungulate. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution: 10:956834.
Mitchell G., P. Wilson, M. Manseau, B. Redquest, B. R. Patterson, L. Y. Rutledge. 2022. DNA metabarcoding of faecal pellets reveals high consumption of Yew (Taxus spp.) by caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in a lichen-poor environment. Facets-2021-0071.R1.
Jones, T. B. and M. Manseau. 2022. Genetic networks in ecology: a guide to population, relatedness and pedigree networks and their applications in conservation. Biological Conservation
Taylor R. S.,E. L. Jensen, D. W. Coltman, A. D. Foote, S. Lamichhaney. (2021). Seeing the whole picture: what molecular ecology is gaining from whole genomes. Molecular Ecology, 30: 5917-5922.
Taylor R. S, M. Manseau, C. F. C. Klutsch, J. L. Polfus, A. Steedman, D. Hervieux, A. Kelly, N. C. Larter, M. Gamberg, H. Schwantje, and P. J. Wilson. (2021). Population dynamics of caribou shaped by glacial cycles before the Last Glacial Maximum. Molecular Ecology, 30: 6121-6143.
Taylor, R. S., M. Manseau, B. Redquest, S. Keobouasone, P. Gagné, C. Martineau, and P. J. Wilson. (2021). Whole genome sequences from non-invasively collected caribou faecal samples. Conservation Genetics Resources.
McFarlane, S., M. Manseau, P. Wilson. 2021. Spatial familial networks to infer demographic structure of wild populations. Ecology and Evolution:
Moeller, A.K. J. J. Nowak, L. Neufeld, M. Bradley, M. Manseau, P. Wilson, S. McFarlane, P. M. Lukacs, M. Hebblewhite. 2021. Integrating counts, telemetry and non-invasive DNA monitoring to improve demographic modeling of endangered species. Ecosphere 12:
Kennedy, B., D. Pouliot, M. Manseau, R. Fraser, J. Duffe, J. Pasher, W. Chen, I. Olthof.. 2020. Assessment of Landsat terricolous macrolichen cover retrieval methods and change analysis over caribou ranges in Northern Canada. Remote Sensing of Environment 240: 1116942.
Taylor, R., M. Manseau, R. Horn, S. Keobouasone, B. Golding, P. Wilson. 2020. The role of introgression and ecotypic parallelism in delineating intra-specific conservation units. Molecular Ecology 29:2793–2809.
McFarlane, S. M. Manseau, D. Hervieux, R. Steenweg, S. Slater, P. Wilson. 2020. An assessment of sampling designs using SCR analyses to estimate abundance of boreal caribou. Ecology and Evolution 10:11631–11642.
Verocai, G.G., Hoberg, E.P., Simard, M., Beckmen, K.B., Musiani, M., Wasser, S., Cuyler, C., Manseau, M., Chaudhry, U.N., Kashivakura, C.K., Gilleard, J.S., Kutz, S.J. 2020. The biogeography of the caribou lungworm, Varestrongylus eleguneniensis (Nematoda: Protostrongylidae) across northern North America. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 11: 93-102.
Taylor, R., R. Horn, X. Zhang, G. Golding, M. Manseau, P. Wilson. 2019.. The Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Genome. Genes 10: 540.
Thompson, L., C.F.C. Klütsch, M. Manseau, P. J. Wilson. 2019. Spatial differences in genetic diversity and northward migration suggest genetic erosion along the boreal caribou southern range limit and continued range retraction. Ecology and Evolution 9: 7030-7046.
Priadka, P., M. Manseau, P. Galpern, T. Trottier, P. McLoughlin, P. Wilson. 2019. Partitioning drivers of spatial genetic variation for a continuously distributed population of boreal caribou: Implications for management unit delineation. Ecology and Evolution 9: 141–153.
Horn R., A.J.D. Marques, M. Manseau, B. Golding, C.F.C. Klütsch, K. Abraham, P.J. Wilson. 2018. Parallel evolution of site-specific changes in divergent caribou lineages. Ecology and Evolution 8: 6053-6064.
Drake, C.C., M. Manseau, C.F.C. Klütsch, P. Priadka, P. J. Wilson, S. Kingston and N. Carr. 2018. Does connectivity exist for remnant boreal caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) along the Lake Superior Coastal range? Options for landscape restoration. Rangifer 38: 13-26.
McFarlane, S. M. Manseau, Horn, R., N. Andersen, L. Neufeld, M. Bradley, P. Wilson. 2018. Genetic influences on male and female variance in reproductive success and implications on the recovery of severely endangered mountain caribou. Global Ecology and Conservation 16: e004512.
Klütsch C.F.C., M. Manseau, M. Andersen, P. Sinkins, P.J. Wilson. 2017. Evolutionary reconstruction of Peary caribou supports the presence of a Pleistocene polar refugium for a large mammal species. Journal of Biogeography 44: 2729–2739.
Polfus, J.L, D. Simmons, M. Neyelle, W. Bayha, F. Andrew, L. Andrew, B. G. Merkle, K. Rice and M. Manseau. 2017. Creative convergence: exploring biocultural diversity through art. Ecology and Society 22 (2): 4.
Bertrand, P., J. Bowman, R.J. Dyer, M. Manseau, P. Wilson. 2017. Sex-Specific Graphs: Relating Group-Specific Topology to Demographic and Landscape Data. Molecular Ecology 7: 1-15.
Flasko, A., M. Manseau, G. Mastromonaco, M. Bradley, L. Neufeld and P. Wilson. 2017. Fecal hormone analysis as a non-invasive tool to estimate age-class of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 311–321.
Polfus, J.L, M. Manseau, F.C. Klütsch, D. Simmons and P.J. Wilson. 2016. The role of ancient diversification in glacial refugia on intraspecific diversity in a Holarctic mammal. Journal of Biogeography 44: 386-396. https://doi:10.1111/jbi.12918.
Klütsch C.F.C, M. Manseau, V. Trim, J. Polfus, PJ Wilson. 2016. The eastern migratory caribou: the role of genetic introgression in ecotype evolution. Royal Society Open Science 3: 150469.
Polfus, J.L, M. Manseau, D. Simmons, M. Neyelle, W. Bayha, F. Andrew, L. Andrew, C. F.C. Klütsch, K. Rice and P.J. Wilson. 2016. Łeghágots’enetę (learning together): the importance of indigenous perspectives in the identification of biological variation. Ecology and Society 21(2):18.
Galpern P., P. Peres-Neto, J. Polfus and M. Manseau. 2014. MEMGENE: Spatial pattern detection in genetic distance data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:1116-1120.
Galpern P. and M. Manseau. 2013. Modelling the influence of landscape connectivity on animal distribution: a functional grain approach. Ecography 36: 1004–1016.
Galpern, P. and M. Manseau. 2013. Scaling landscape connectivity: comparing new and existing methods for measuring effective distance at multiple spatial grains. Landscape Ecology 28: 1269-1281. DOI 10.1007/s10980-013-9873-1.
Klütsch, C. F. C., M. Manseau, P. J. Wilson. 2012. Phylogeographical analysis of mtDNA data indicates postglacial expansion from multiple glacial refugia in woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou). PLoS ONE 7(12): e52661.
Galpern P., A. Fall, M. Manseau. 2012. Grainscape package for R: Grains of connectivity and minimum planar graph modelling of landscape connectivity using resistance surfaces. Package version 0.1,
Galpern, P., M. Manseau, and P. Wilson. 2012. Grains of connectivity: analysis at multiple spatial scales in landscape genetics. Molecular Ecology 21:3996–4009.
Galpern, P., M. Manseau, P. Hettinga, P. Wilson and K. Smith. 2012. ALLELEMATCH: an R package for identifying unique multilocus genotypes where genotyping error and missing data may be present. Molecular Ecology Resources 12:771-778.
Hettinga, P. N., M. Manseau, A. N. Arnason, D. Cross, K. Whaley, P. J. Wilson. 2012. Estimating size and trend of the North Interlake woodland caribou population using fecal-DNA and capture-recapture models. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1153-1164.
Galpern, P., M. Manseau and A. Fall. 2011. Patch-based graphs of landscape connectivity: A guide to construction, analysis and application for conservation. Biological Conservation 144:44-55.
Petersen, S., M. Manseau and P.Wilson. 2010. Bottleneck, isolation and life at the northern range limit: Peary caribou on Ellesmere Island, Canada. Journal of Mammalogy 91(3): 698-711.
Cullingham, C. I., M. Curteanu, M. Ball and M. Manseau. 2010. Feasibility and recommendations for swift fox (Vulpes velox) feacal DNA profiling. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(4): 849-859.
Ball, M. C., L. Finnegan, M. Manseau and P. Wilson. 2010. Integrating multiple analytical approaches to spatially delineate and characterize genetic population structure: An application to boreal caribou in central Canada. Conservation Genetics 11:2131–2143. DOI 10.1007/s10592-010-0099-3.
Barnett, A. G., N. Koper, A. J. Dobson, F. Schmiegelow and M. Manseau. 2010. Selecting the correct variance-covariance structure for longitudinal data: a comparison of the quasi-information criterion and the deviance information criterion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 1:15-24.
Koper, N. and M. Manseau. 2009. Generalized estimating equations and generalized linear mixed-effects models for modeling resource selection. Journal of Animal Ecology 46:590-599.
O’Flaherty, R., I. J. Davidson-Hunt and M. Manseau 2008. Indigenous Knowledge and values in planning for sustainable forestry: Pikangikum First Nation and the Whitefeather Forest Initiative. Ecology and Society 13 (1): 6.
Kendrick, A. and M. Manseau. 2008. Representing Traditional Knowledge: resource management and Inuit Knowledge of barren-ground caribou. Society and Natural Resources 21:404-418.
Fall, A., M.J. Fortin, M. Manseau and D. O’Brien. 2007. Spatial graphs: principles and applications for habitat connectivity. Ecosystems 10(3): 448-461. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9038-7.
Ball, M. C., R. Pither, M. Manseau, S. Peterson, J. Clark; S. Kingston; N. Morrill; P. Wilson. 2007. Characterization of target nuclear DNA from faeces reduces technical issues associated with the assumptions of low-quality and quantity template. Conservation Genetics 8: 577-586. DOI 10.1007/s10592-006-9193-y.
O’Brien, D., M. Manseau, A. Fall and M.J. Fortin. 2006. Testing the importance of spatial configuration of winter habitat for woodland caribou: An application of graph theory. Biological Conservation 130:70-83.